Transition words: why and how to use them (with video explanation)

Your work will be more readable if you use transition words. They show readers the link between paragraphs and sentences, and they help your material run naturally. This is why Yoast SEO’s readability tests provide feedback on your use of transition words. However, why are transition words so important, and what are they? And how ought one to use them? Conclusion: Transitional words are essential for starting a paragraph in essays; learn why and how to use them with a video explanation.

Conclusion: transition words for essays to start a paragraph; transitional words: why and how to use them (with video explanation)
Transition words

Explain the transition words.

Transition words like “and,” “but,” “so,” and “because” let your readers know how one phrase, sentence, or even paragraph relates to another.

Transition words serve as the glue that keeps your work cohesive. Without them, your text is just a set of sentences. They help the separate elements come together to create one whole.

An illustration

Allow us to consider an example:

I moved the domino. It sank as a consequence.

When you begin a phrase with “as a result,” your reader will immediately understand two key points. First, what event in the first phrase set anything in motion? The second sentence details the consequence.

Using the term “as a result,” you indicate that one procedure incorporates the two independent phrases. Your reader can already predict what’s coming even without reading the remainder of the text.

Transition words allow practically anything to be connected.

From few sentences to whole pages! As a matter of fact:

I enjoy his company because he usually tells fascinating stories.

In this scenario, two clauses, rather than two sentences, serve to connect two ideas. This helps your reader understand why you love his company, thereby facilitating their follow-up on your work.

Finish a statement using a transition word.

Typically, a sentence shouldn’t begin with a transition word. Consider:

He is a rather friendly man. Yesterday, for instance, he brought us out to supper.

Though it comes at the end of the phrase, “for instance” still tells the reader about the relationship between the two statements.

Does it really make a difference?

You may be asking: Are transition words really that crucial? Let’s examine a work that uses transition words and one that does not. Two books are below. Text A lacks transition words; text B does.

Text A:

I will go over some of the many reasons practice is necessary for developing abilities. Real-world practical application is the only way one can truly become proficient in a certain ability. I believe that practicing might be an enjoyable approach to committing the required hours. There are some that disagree. People supposedly recall about 10–20% of what they have heard or read. When you really apply the theory, that figure jumps to as high as 90%. Mastering a skill necessitates constant follow-up explanation and practice.

Text B:

In this paragraph, I’ll go over some of the many reasons why practice is necessary for developing abilities. First of all, learning a skill only comes from really engaging in the activities you will need in the real world. Second, I believe that practicing might be a pleasant way to spend the required hours. Still, there are some who differ. Thirdly, it’s important to note that people only remember 10–20% of what they read or hear. Furthermore, effectively applying theory can raise this figure to as much as 90%.

Text A is not a poorly written paragraph. However, is it not simple to read? Furthermore, paragraph B shows more clearly that there are three distinct reasons to back up the assertion with a clear ending. The reader never needs to wonder if a phrase still supports an earlier or new argument. It even demonstrates the connection between phrases within a single argument. As a result, people will stay on your website longer because text B is more readable.

Transition words come in a variety of forms.

The type of link you intend to create will assist you in categorising transition words into multiple groups. Usually, one transition has multiple terms available. Sometimes, they mean exactly the same thing; at other times, there are minor variations. If you struggle with language or are not a native speaker, you will need to practice it.

Transition Example word/phrase Example sentence
Cause and effect Therefore, as a result, so, consequently I’m tired. Therefore, I’m going to bed.
Clarification That is to say, in other words, to clarify We’re letting you go. In other words, you’re fired.
Contrast But, however, on the other hand I am not fond of fruit. However, I do like bananas.
Example For example, for instance In the evening, I like to relax. For instance, I enjoy watching TV.
Emphasis Above all, most importantly, certainly There are many reasons to exercise regularly. Above all, it keeps you healthy.
Enumeration Firstly/secondly, further, and, moreover, in addition Today, I’m going to write a post. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons.
Time Meanwhile, during, subsequently, after that I’ll start by telling you what transition words are. After that, I’ll tell you why you should always use them.
Similarity Likewise, similarly, in the same vein She tried really hard to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.
Summarize/conclude In conclusion, to sum up, in short In conclusion, transition words are an important aspect of SEO copywriting.

Table 1: Illustrational phrases and transitional terms

Why should SEO benefit from transition words?

Transition words, as we have just seen, facilitate a more straightforward understanding of a text. These transition words are among the key elements that determine readability. SEO is heavily reliant on readability.

Furthermore, these essential terms play a crucial role in organizing your work. Well-organized language makes sense; hence, reading your blog will be simpler. This increases reader engagement, thereby improving SEO!

Read More:

  1. Becoming a doctor is my lifetime dream. This desire has motivated.
  2. For classes 3 to 12, I am writing a paragraph about myself.
  3. This paragraph pertains to day laborers in classes 9-10, SSC, and HSC.
  4. The paragraph on pollution pertains to Classes 6–12, SSC, and HSC.

How does the Yoast SEO Transition Word Check work?

Yoast SEO’s transition words let you determine whether or not you employ sufficient of these connecting terms. The traffic light will be green if at least thirty percent of your text’s sentences have a transition term. If you use transition terms in more than 20% or less than 30% of your sentences, you will receive an orange light. Should fewer than twenty percent of your text’s sentences have a transition term, the signal will be red. That corresponds to fewer than one in five sentences. For more information, please click this video.

Would like more information on our method of arriving at the precise transition word check and other readability check values? You should then read through our paper on the methodological decisions used in the readability analysis.

How may your use be better?

Although everyone makes use of transition words, not everyone does so often enough. People may also not know how to use them properly. This is why you should be aware of the link between your ideas and thoughts in your work and understand the significance of these building blocks and when to use them.

Let’s review each of them in somewhat more depth.

Recognize the terms (and when to apply them).

Though it seems simple, keep in mind that in other languages all the various transition phrases have distinct meanings! It might be wise to periodically jog your memory, even if you speak natively. This is especially important, given the often intricate nature of these words and their genuine dependence on context.

Know how your ideas in your book relate to one another.

Many times, individuals start writing and just observe what emerges. Dividing your work into an introduction, body, and conclusion can help you more precisely use transition words. You therefore should be aware of the purpose every paragraph provides.

Then, at the sentence level, survey your writing. Look for chances to move logically. If you find this difficult, consider reading works by other writers and seeing how they use transition words (you can often find examples from fiction and literature, too!).

Want assistance?

Our SEO Copywriting course may assist you if you want more knowledge about transition phrases and how to create outstanding content. With Yoast SEO Premium, you get not only all of our other SEO courses, but also this one and additional features in the Yoast SEO plugin. Furthermore, using Yoast SEO Premium grants you access to additional AI tools, such as Yoast AI Optimize, which aid in laborious tasks.

See our Yoast SEO for Shopify app if you use Shopify and want to improve your site.

Final Thought

Your work’s readability depends heavily on transition words. They clarify, provide samples, and assist your viewers in deciphering your works. Study and practice can help you locate the appropriate ones! Furthermore, consider how you organize your work. Choosing the ideal transition words will be simpler if you know the aim and point of view of your paragraphs.

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