Bangladesh celebrates Mother Language Day on February 21 in classes 5–10.

Section detailing Bangladesh’s 21 February Bangladesh  Amar Ekushe February is a really special day like a story from a hero! It reminds us to fight for our own  the one we believe in. From Bangladesh, brave Bangla language day supporters came out in 1952. The world saw this bravery; in 1999 the UN named 21 February international mother language day!  This is a day to celebrate Bengali mother language day importance and respect every language.

21 February in Bangladesh is mother tongue bangla language day and bengali mother language day in Bangladesh.
21 February Bangladesh

Mother Language Day internationally falls on February 21

For every student, International Mother Language Day is a significant event. For classes 6, 7-8, 9-10, SSC and HSC applicants, my classroom team has produced worldwide mother tongue day paragraphs.150 words for classes 3 through 5 for simple paragraph construction. Designed for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 in 200 to 500 words. Mother Language Day internationally falls on 21 February Bangladesh. Therefore, February 21 comes to pass instead of worldwide Mother Language Day. Excellent worldwide mother language day paragraph for candidates from ASC and HSC.

One such occasion is International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day is a unique celebration we observe For every one of the many languages in the world, today is like a birthday celebration. This day is especially memorable in Bangladesh as it honors a courageous event from long ago. Some young students in 1952 wanted Bengali, our own language, to be significant, but the police opposed it. There was fighting, and regrettably, several of the kids perished. 21 February Bangladesh, we refer to them as heroes—or “Shaheed.”

International Mother Language Day is on February 21st

21 February Bangladesh became a day to honor them because of their courage. Another name we use is “Shahid Day.” To express respect, people visit the designated “Shaheed Miner. “Two guys from Bangladesh then had a brilliant idea! Many nations agreed in 1999 when they requested that the entire globe commemorate February 21st as International Mother Language Day! Now everyone may enjoy the celebration of languages!

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Paragraph Class 8 International Mother Language Day

February 21st is a rather special day in our past! It resembles a big calendar gold star. We call it Shaheed Day or something like that. In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), both adults and students protested back in 1952 against the official language being only Urdu. Another language they aspired to be important in was Bengali, their mother tongue and the language they spoke at home. From Bangladesh in 1952, courageous Bangla language day participants came. They thought it was unfair to exclude Bengalis. So they fiercely resisted all year long. “Let Bengali be a state language too!” they said. Then, on February 21st, the police became afraid and began firing a group of students marching at Dhaka University.

Mother Language Day worldwide in 1999

Some courageous kids regrettably passed away: Rafique, Jabbar, Salam, and Barkat. These are heroes who, for the first time in the world, stood up for their language! Remembering this awful day as the historic 21 February Bangladesh, Shaheed Bengali Mother Language Day at last received the recognition it earned from their courage! Many years later, in 1998, this day became globally important. February 21st would be International Mother Language Day, according to UNESCO, a specific body dedicated to education! These days, everyone honors languages all around on this important day.

Paragraph Class 9, 10 International Mother Language Day

This day is extremely significant in 21 February Bangladesh, as many young Bengali mother language day who fought for their freedom to speak their native tongue passed away. Salam, Barkat, Rafique, and Zabbar offered their lives in opposition to legislation seeking to elevate another language in significance. We honor this day seriously and with regard for the sacrifices made every year. The entire nation attended the memorial erected in their memory this morning to pay respect.

Paragraph 150 words for International Mother Language Day

From all walks of life, including little children, people come barefoot in great numbers and leave flowers to honor the martyrs. To show respect, everyone sits quietly for a few minutes. The government and other organizations have also scheduled programs on this day. February 21 (Bengali) holds particular prayers for the peace of the martyrs’ souls. This day helps everyone realize how much we need to appreciate our mother tongue. It motivates us to respect and safeguard our lovely language! Bangladesh commemorates a unique day on February 21st every year. Today marks a courageous event from 1952. East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) residents back then sought Bengali as their official language.

International Mother language Day Paragraph, 200 words

The authorities said, however, that only Urdu could be legitimate. Brave individuals and students objectified against this. They objected and said Bengali should also be official! Sadly, other Bengali activists suffered injuries as well. Still, their courage was not wasted. They helped Bangladeshi Day at last become official! Brave Bangla language day supporters emerged from Bangladesh in 1952. Now, February 21st is a unique day celebrated worldwide, not only in Bangladesh. International 21 February Bangladesh is what it is. Today reminds us of the value of several languages and our need to safeguard them. It also reminds us of the courageous men who never gave up and battled for their language.

Mother Language Day internationally reminds us of the need for learning

Every year, there is a unique day to honour all the many languages spoken around the world!  The events in Bangladesh in 1952 set off this day. Students boldly stood up back then as they wanted to utilise Bangla, their native tongue, in their school. International Mother’s Day Language Day reminds us of the need to learn and honour many languages. It’s like having a lot of awesome tools to converse with people and choose fresh knowledge! Different languages make the world a more fascinating place, just as several colours create a beautiful image. Today reminds everyone to be happy with their own mother tongue, the language they learned at home.

Paragraph 250 words for International Mother Language Day

Every language is unique and enables us to preserve customs and tales. Let’s all honour the wonderful gift of languages on February 21st!We honour International annually on February 21st! There is a certain narrative behind today. Our birthplace is 21 February, Bangladesh, and Bangla is our native language. But long ago, when Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan, they insisted on Urdu being the language of instruction. Bengali people believed this wasn’t fair, as Bengali was their language of birth and heart.

International Mother Language Day Paragraph: Simple

Some courageous Bengalis raised awareness of their language on February 21, 1952. The cops, sadly, even shoot some of them. These courageous individuals are known as freedom fighters; today is also known as “Shahid Di bosh,” or “Martyr’s Day. “The struggle of the independence warriors made Bengali the official language of Bangladesh. For every person living in our nation, it is a very proud day. The whole globe today honours February 21, International Mother Language Day, as this narrative of preserving our language is so unique. This is a day to honour all the many languages spoken worldwide and commemorate the freedom fighters.

International Mother Language Day makes everyone cheerful and proud

People in Bangladesh pay respect to the independence warriors by visiting Shahid Miner, which is adorned with flowers on this day. From Bangladesh in 1952, brave Bangla language day supporters arrived. Schools and companies might also host contests or unique projects. People especially like singing the well-known song “Amar Bhai, Ekushey Bangladesh” (My Brother, Twenty-First February).On February 21, International Mother Language Day, everyone is delighted and proud. Today marks ours and the efforts taken to preserve it!

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